Climb aboard Pinch's train of thought. Free rides for unfettered minds to destinations unknown.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I do know deep down
I lack power to change
All the rampant unfairness,
All the hunger and pain.

I know I know fragments,
There are realms I can’t view
As a speck of dust floating
In the wake of a clue.

But I keep my mind boundless,
My culpability lean;
I divine the obscure
And the blatant I screen.

I cling hard to this view
From the vantage of dreams;
My soul is a vector
Set to burst this world’s seams.

I'll not cease to believe
I have magic inside,
My might is magnetic
And I move the tides.

I have answers for seekers
And mirth for the lame;
I'm replete with infinity:
Forever’s my name.

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