Climb aboard Pinch's train of thought. Free rides for unfettered minds to destinations unknown.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Yard Goods

The sewing bug bit me again recently, so I bought a few new dress patterns. I'm hand sewing, something I haven't done since my parents bought me my first sewing machine on my 11th birthday.

There are a wealth of pretty calicoes to choose from, but I think I'm going to start with a few plain muslin frocks. I might embroider some details around the hem, but I'm going to let simple cotton fabric take center stage this summer.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We begin recording (again) tomorrow. Thankfully, we all agreed to just release the ass-backwards attempts of the past few months to the past, where they shall remain. I'm hopeful about what gets laid down, and about getting out and playing soon. This one in particular is going to be fun, written back in September 2010.


Buster, get your good shoes,
We’re going for a cruise.
I’ve got a pocket full of pinch
And nothing else to lose.

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Buster, bring me the keys
And wipe off your knees,
I’ve got a feeling you’re not aware
Of just what your woman sees.

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Man of mine, why do you pause?
I’ve got a ticket to time.
Man of mine, why question cause?
I caught a ride to the sublime.

Buster, blanket your fears
Don’t hem in your years.
I’ve got a mind to leave you here
With nothing to drink but tears.
Boy, you’re getting me riled!
You foolish, Earth-bound child.
I found a way out of the maze
And now you’re giving me bile?

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Man of mine, why do you cry?
I’ve got the number of Death.
Man of mine, I am that bold.
Man of mine, what is your hold up?
Man of mine, why be so cold?
Your life musn’t be so bleak.

Buster, take your time.
I guess we’ll be fine.
Panacaea’s calling....Panacaea’s calling...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fucking Laughter

They're laughing at me. They're all laughing at me. I can feel the supercilious sneers in their words, and I know it is happening, and I caused it, and I can't stop it, and all I can do is stretch my fingers and toes to allow more rage to fill me.

Again and again and again and again. Why do I bother with this deplorable attempt at life? Were it not for the two beauties the universe placed into my care I would slaughter myself in the most gruesome way. I would take them all down with me, I would paint the sky and the dirt and the rivers with blood. I would leave a wake of ripped rotting flesh so wide that maggots would flow like a river into the sea, that the air would hang green and putrid above my obliterating vengeance.

Oh lamentations, lamentations a thousand times more intense than birth's travail, cripple me, break me down, crush me, smash me so flat that I have to come back together in a completely different way. Destroy me, undo me, unmake me, erase me.

The imperative to do something of worth now looms higher than ever. I cannot kill them, I've never been able to kill them, though I've dreamed a hundred maniacal ways to do so, with the most clever and personalized mechanisms of torture. Turn, mind, from the horror you find so easy. Turn, mind, to the light, try to be good, try to be kind, try to love, try to ignore the blight that you are in so many ways.

I am human. I am fallible. I am the laughingstock. They are laughing. They will always laugh. They lay in wait to tear me down. I must be diligent forever. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence. I must perfect silence....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Lilacs are in Bloom Again

Three months steeped in the cold, damp and mold,
Fraught with such fear and seemingly endless frustrations,
Ended at last in a cheap little piece of heaven,
With running water, heat and an electric stove.
My heart slowed down a little each time
I felt warm water running over my skin
Or stood in my tiny galley cooking a meal,
But most when I took in the wee slice of a back yard,
Bordered by four dormant bushes some eight feet tall.
Unaware of what the bare limbs promised,
I secretly hoped for overwhelming beauty
As the electric heat mellowed December's ague,
And the abundance of water washed January clean.
February felt something like shy forgiveness
And March blew out some of the self-loathing,
So by April, I was hardly whole again,
But I felt slightly more human than ghoul.
The bushes put on pointed green shoots
That sent me back to my Ozark childhood
And a little struggling lilac bush facing the front door.
Spring frosts in Missouri often thwart
Even the heartiest attempts at a sweet little life,
As though one must be perpetually reminded
That their natural state trembles weakly
Against the statutes and wild whims of nature.
I remembered, too, my granny's bushes,
Planted after the descent from the barren rocky top
Down to the fertile valley by the creek,
Where watermelons and corn grew so well.
By the time I arrived on the scene,
Her lilacs and forsythias and hydrangeas
Stood nigh as tall as Granddad's white crown,
And her daffodils and the sweet honeysuckle
Banking the top of the fence had matured
To a strength even Spring frosts couldn't touch.
When the winds carry me home I always go back,
Though it must now be clandestine,
In trespass upon some out-of-towner's property,
Where my memories grew up simple but enduring
From the uninspiring Missouri dirt.
They tore out all of Granny's beloved flower bushes,
Yet I can sit with eyes closed and almost remember
The way the wind mingled heavenly perfume
With the uniquely sour stench of urine and dirt
Made when the men pissed from the front porch into the yard.
Her entire life could well be defined by that smell,
As though her thirst for sweetness and beauty
Was never without the taint of a man's demand
For freedom to do as he pleased without mitigation,
Be it her father leaving her to ward her siblings
While he left to Dapper Dan about St. Louis,
Or her husband pissing on her yard and planting child after child
In her overworked womb, til she was overrun
With children and their children and all their needs.
After 60 years in the yoke, with all her toil taken for granted,
Hated and maligned for never being fully meet to the task,
She buckled, her muscles could not even hold,
And her ribs began to lap over one another,
Giving her pain unimaginable as she fell to her knees,
Unable to further endure the strain of poverty's thankless toil.
So when the buds of April revealed to me lilacs,
I felt almost like myself again, and when the buds blossomed,
I buried my face in their softness and remembered her,
As their heavy perfume, almost palpable, melted my misery
By reminding me that I rose from strong, simple stock,
And that no matter how sour the stain on my sweetness,
I would always have the flowers and their perfume
To remind me of days of laughter and love.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Treacherous Heart

Oh heart, why are you climbing into my throat today? Seeking escape, are you?

I have many things to do and many people to see. What shall they think of this load of tears your ardent perspiration has dropped into my eyes?

Why can I not hum a line without tears falling? Why can I not look at the sun in the clouds without tears falling? Why can I not see a flower without tears falling? Why can I not think of anything without tears falling?

Your betrayal is killing me. I know well why I keep you locked away. When I give you air and light, you suck up the sorrows of every being around you until you're nigh to exploding. What are you? Semipermeable? Only allowing anger, frustration, suffering and need to enter?

If only I could turn all that into love and emanate it back into the world, I might be a worthwhile being, but no…you and I have only figured out how to cry, useless lot that we are.

Let's stop this nonsense and do something. Crying gets us nowhere. Don't default to hatred, either. Let's keep looking for love, we will find it or die trying.

Remember this? Sad that it continues to be so pertinent, week after week, month after month.

Tender heart
Raging heat
Love laid down
At your feet.

Fear prevailed
You sent me aft
The fire died
For need of draft.

Fathoms devoid
Of simple joy
Flesh denied
Hope destroyed.

Ten long years
In exile cold
The need you feared
Carved out a hold.

A brigand black
Awaits you here
Will you retreat,
Consort with tears?

The magnitude
Of your remorse
Calls up the blood
To lift your curse.

Light the fire
And call the wind
Burn the past
Let’s start again.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Tawny Owl

I dreamed again of the tawny owl.

This marks the third time I've dreamed of crossing a precarious bridge by bike and finding myself in that glorious little glen between a wooded hillside and a river. On my side of the river, two gargantuan sycamores secure the bank. Across the river a large sandstone barn sits intact but abandoned.

The scene again enraptures me with its unaffected beauty. The colors are few, yet richly saturated. The bark peeling from the white boles of the sycamores complements the variegated stonework of the barn. The branches of the sycamores frame the barn in such a way that the greatest opulence of the scene occurs from the perspective I have just upon entering the glen.

As I drink in the scene before me, I am always aware, even in dream state, that I have some connection to this place that continues to bring me back. As I ponder, the tawny owl flies from the upper left quadrant of my vision and lights upon the right-most sycamore's largest branch, which extends horizontally from the trunk. Startled by its sudden appearance and by the recollection of its presence in the prior dreams, I pull my camera to my eye to capture what is now, in my mind's eye, a representation of some great beauty and meaning I have long sought.

The auto-focus on the camera hangs, so I switch the lens to manual and, for the first time in these three dreams, attain the shot.

I then awaken into this day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The moon hides in the hollers,
The stars stare through the trees.
The whippoorwill is calling,
Calling softly,
Love, come to me.

The wind waltzes so wildly
The creek can't catch its breath.
The sycamores beguile me,
Guide me to the depths
To find the peace
That still runs from me.

Wasting my days
Casting my strength away.
Oh Truth, take me now,
Find me a quiet place,
Lock this life beneath all grace,
Wash my soul of his face.

The world fades far from reckoning,
My crumbled will succumbs.
The silent light is beckoning,
Come, I'll take away his memory,
I'll set you free.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Capitulation is for Suckers

I am.

The words stand perfectly alone, yet spend most of their time being modified by others.

I am never sorry.
I am hungry.
I am the world that hides the universal secret of all time.
I am leaving.
I am coming.
I am bored.
I am running.
I am making an incision in your abdomen, that I might play with your entrails as you sleep.
I am laughing.
I am climbing Jacob's ladder.
I am in love with my own shadow.
I am having a hard time understanding why you find it necessary to moan so very much.
I am fallible.
I am riddled with disease, and penniless.
I am so drunk I piss in the dishwasher.
I am leaping to my death.
I am hemming up my pants.
I am donating 20% to the church because I know my money will be well-spent saving sinners.
I am watching a red-headed stripper bathe her acrylic platforms in tears.
I am taking you to the dentist.
I am heartily amused.
I am stalking the biggest elk I've ever seen while a cougar stalks me 200 yards back.
I am not sure they remember the day I dropped toxic waste in the high school hallway.
I am nervous around pretty people.
I am gone.


I am. Nothing more is necessary.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


we have a history that we didn't write
and from here on will not read,
morbid fear for the future to come
treachery, rage, petulance, greed.
locked in an orbit we can't overcome
we wail for the freedom to roam,
committing our feet to familiar worn paths
while hiding our lives in our cheap little homes.
we were born of the blood and the fire
with hearts that would not be confined
we opened our eyes with thunder and might
we had a birthright, to master the Light.
then we met the old lie and lay down as slaves
now our children are born without sight.
independence long gone, unaware of their song
vagabond orphans devoid of birthright.
so choose well your brothers
steel and hone one another
stand up and fight for your joy.
rip a hole in your soul and you finally will know
you can only create if your heart can destroy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


i suppose every class has them, the girls and boys who walk with supremacy from the day they cross the threshold, their clothes natty, their hair so very stylish, their parents' wealth attending to their burgeoning desires like a dutiful butler.

i had three, combed and conditioned for maximum effect, decked in the latest fixation of fashion, that garnered all the boys' attention. never mind that they were as dumb as posts, they looked good, they smelled good, they were all that i suppose most people think a girl is supposed to be.

i was not. i was smart and strange and had a june bug farm hidden in my desk. my closet never held new clothes. i was very much aware of fashion, i stitched together gowns for my dolls and whiled away hours drawing up clothing designs, but fashion held no positive sway on my fourth-grade popularity.

i remember being handed down a pair of Levis that i liked very much, they augmented my two pairs of cotton trousers into a reasonable enough wardrobe for a poor child. i wore those jeans proudly, at least twice a week.

one day those three girls cornered me in the bathroom and asked me to stand at the wall with my back facing them. unsure of their reasoning yet fully aware that something was amiss, i acquiesced. they giggled behind me for a full minute as my face exploded into flames. when they finally tired of their ribaldry and exited, i snagged the tallest and demanded to be clued in.

"you have holes in your pants," she said, with a miniscule measure of sympathy in her still sparkling eyes.

and indeed i did. my ass had worn straight through the sole garment that had offered my appearance a shred of normalcy. i was back to my two pairs of faded and unstylish cotton pants. i'd let some perverted semblance of pride lead me to become a laughingstock for those lucky little ladies who had no idea how it felt to be lowly and poor.

i made it back to the classroom and tied my jacket around my waist for the rest of the day. i told no one and upon arriving home i threw the exhausted jeans in the garbage.

years later on break from university, i found that my mother had taken a job babysitting one of those bitch's babies. i peeked into her crib as she slept, and from nowhere the far distant memory of her mother's wretched giggling seized me. i felt fermented rage shower me from tip to toe. i grabbed a pillow and contemplated the ease of ending that small life in a grossly imbalanced act of vengeance.

i refrained from that nefarious act, but i made a point to look my old enemy in the eye when she arrived to pick up her baby. i know by the way she dropped her gaze that she felt something black and seething brush against her brain.

years later i was in New York for business, still penniless, but many years removed from the shy little girl who thought she could play with pride and win. i strolled into Saks Fifth Avenue in my shabby coat and shoes, took in every floor, touched fine fabrics, looked straight into the eyes of every floor assistant. i took in the jewels at Cartier and Tiffany with my head high, i joked with the doormen and flashed the salesmen my best smile. i was treated respectfully, cordially even.

that day i cured that ugly pride-born blackness that had settled into my heart so many years prior. a beggar in outdated rags, i was still the finest creation on Fifth Avenue and i knew it. i would never again be ruled or defined by my lowly birth, i would never evaluate my worth by any standard but my own ever again.

Monday, April 9, 2012

sister has become the wind

hear her howling in the night
raging hard above the din
but she'll be still by daylight.
darkness is a constant friend
as she casts away her blight
beg her, baby, never end...
she's long gone by daylight.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pretty Mamas

Giving your best
To the beast
Feeding the need
Not your nest
Venture a guess
What your greed
Forces your seed
To assess. 

Selling your soul
For a shag
Empty the bag
For a bowl
Fill up the hole
Filthy hag
Kids hear you gag
While he groans.

Pretty mamas
Hearts are like cesspools
Minds are so toxic
Playing the worst fools
The babies are watching.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be Broken

An arcane cove
I seek to seize
A year I rove
On perilous seas.
Sanctum eludes
I’m lost, adrift
Besot by moods
Too torpid to lift.

Breakers arising
All refuge behind
Can’t silence the sirens
Seducing my mind.
Be broken
Be broken
Begin at the end
Be broken again.

Calm, blue and slow 
A surface at peace
The ebb and the flow
Tension, release.
The riches beneath
Will never see light
A seeker too meek
The keeper will slight.

Breakers arising
All refuge behind
Can’t silence the sirens
Seducing my mind. 
Be broken
Be broken
Begin at the end
Be broken again.