Climb aboard Pinch's train of thought. Free rides for unfettered minds to destinations unknown.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be Broken

An arcane cove
I seek to seize
A year I rove
On perilous seas.
Sanctum eludes
I’m lost, adrift
Besot by moods
Too torpid to lift.

Breakers arising
All refuge behind
Can’t silence the sirens
Seducing my mind.
Be broken
Be broken
Begin at the end
Be broken again.

Calm, blue and slow 
A surface at peace
The ebb and the flow
Tension, release.
The riches beneath
Will never see light
A seeker too meek
The keeper will slight.

Breakers arising
All refuge behind
Can’t silence the sirens
Seducing my mind. 
Be broken
Be broken
Begin at the end
Be broken again.

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