Climb aboard Pinch's train of thought. Free rides for unfettered minds to destinations unknown.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We begin recording (again) tomorrow. Thankfully, we all agreed to just release the ass-backwards attempts of the past few months to the past, where they shall remain. I'm hopeful about what gets laid down, and about getting out and playing soon. This one in particular is going to be fun, written back in September 2010.


Buster, get your good shoes,
We’re going for a cruise.
I’ve got a pocket full of pinch
And nothing else to lose.

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Buster, bring me the keys
And wipe off your knees,
I’ve got a feeling you’re not aware
Of just what your woman sees.

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Man of mine, why do you pause?
I’ve got a ticket to time.
Man of mine, why question cause?
I caught a ride to the sublime.

Buster, blanket your fears
Don’t hem in your years.
I’ve got a mind to leave you here
With nothing to drink but tears.
Boy, you’re getting me riled!
You foolish, Earth-bound child.
I found a way out of the maze
And now you’re giving me bile?

Panacaea’s calling
Tomorrow saved us all a seat.
Panacaea’s calling
Get some shoes on those bare feet.

Man of mine, why do you cry?
I’ve got the number of Death.
Man of mine, I am that bold.
Man of mine, what is your hold up?
Man of mine, why be so cold?
Your life musn’t be so bleak.

Buster, take your time.
I guess we’ll be fine.
Panacaea’s calling....Panacaea’s calling...

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